
The Infant program is for children 6 weeks old to 1 year of age. Both personal needs and sensory/motor stimulation activities will be provided according to the child's personal needs. This plan includes age and individually appropriate goals and describe specific activities and experiences to be provided by staff in support of these goals.

Staff shall record these and note developmental milestones, accomplishments, and concerns. A daily report shall be filled out every day containing the child's feeding, sleeping, and other routine activities and share these with the infants parents/guardians at the end of the day. Infants will be provided the following opportunities throughout the day; frequent face-to-face interaction, being held and carried. Limited time spent while awake in any confining equipment such as crib, infant seat, swing, high chair or playpen to less than ½ hour immediately after which opportunities for freedom of movement in a sanitary area protected from foot traffic are provided. Talking with infants during play, feeding and routine care. Reading to and looking at books while holding or sitting close to them. Providing varied materials, sights, sounds, and other experiences for infants to explore with their senses. Responding to infants' actions, sounds, and beginning languages. Giving name to sitting, scooting, crawling, and standing. Providing materials and encouragement for infants. Begins pretend play alone, with other children and with staff.